Phone No +971506501159, +97143391767
Phone No +971506501159, +97143391767
Address PO BOX: 38167, DUBAI
Address PO BOX: 38167, DUBAI
All Days 24*7
All Days 24*7

TAG - Talent Auto Garage is one of the well equipped auto garage with state-of-art garage equipments supported with well experienced personals of the industry operating in Dubai for past 20 years.

auto garage in Dubai


Ensuring a Safe Winter Journey: 3 Essential Car Checks Before a Long Trip

As the winter season approaches, many adventure seekers are gearing up for long road trips to enjoy the winter breeze. Winter is always a fascinating season and at the same time an excruciating season. Hence, precautions should be taken before the winter to secure yourself and your belongings.  If you are planning to drive through scenic routes or visit family and fr


Common Car Problems in Dubai’s Climate and How Auto Garages Can Help

Dubai is a global hub for trade, education, and employment and secured residential purposes. In Dubai, you can find cars of all brands from the lowest cost to the world's most luxurious cars. However, Dubai's climate can be tough on cars. The extreme heat, sand, traffic and humidity can put a lot of wear and tear on vehicles. This will in turn lead to a plethora of pr

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